
February  2019

 Car Collection../Car_Collection/Menu.html../Car_Collection/Menu.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
Other Models../Other_Models/Menu.html../Other_Models/Menu.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0
Bentley Build../Bentley_Build/Menu.html../Bentley_Build/Menu.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0
Duesenberg Build../Duesie_Build/Menu.html../Duesie_Build/Menu.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0
   2.3 Alfa - Build../2.3_Alfa_Build/Menu.html../2.3_Alfa_Build/Menu.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
   2.9 Alfa - Build../2.9_Alfa_Build/Menu.html../2.9_Alfa_Build/Menu.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0
Hispano Suiza../Hispano_Suiza/The_Story.html../Hispano_Suiza/The_Story.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0
2.9 Alfa Romeo../2.9_Alfa_Romeo/Menu.html../2.9_Alfa_Romeo/Menu.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0
  Dissecting a CORD../Dis-Cord/Video.html
But does it work?../But_does_it_work/Video.html../But_does_it_work/Video.htmlshapeimage_15_link_0
Model Makers Showcase../Model_Makers_Showcase/Introduction.html../Model_Makers_Showcase/Introduction.htmlshapeimage_18_link_0
An after sales service


Do not Shop for Wingrove Books on eBay-UK - they have sold counterfeit copies in the past - go to AMAZON.COM or Check with Crowood Press for copies of these books

<http://www.crowood.com/> see News and Comments.

For those seeking Mac advice, check out The Mac Doctor <www.themacdoc.co.uk/>

   L. M. Coupe Build../L._M._Coupe_Build/Menu.html
        The Digby Pottery../Digby_Pottery/Menu.html

Phyllis Wingrove - Potter

     Falls of Clyde 1 & 2../Falls_of_Clyde_1%262/Menu.html../Falls_of_Clyde_1%262/Menu.htmlshapeimage_22_link_0

For contact - e-mail -   gaw@wworkshop.net  

Notes on the WEB SITE - a Return to Home Page button will be found on the FIRST page of each set of Galleries.  Clicking on a photo will enlarge it. New Galleries are now selected from the listing at the top of the page or click the photo on the MENU page. Click on Start Slide Show will bring up a new window with a running Slide Show. Place your curser below the picture to bring up a fast forward and back.  Place your curser at the top of the window and the full set of pictures will appear for you to select.

Current Project 
News & Comment
   P3 Alfa - Build../P3_Alfa_Build/Menu.html../P3_Alfa_Build/Menu.htmlshapeimage_25_link_0
     Falls of Clyde - 3../Falla_of_Clyde_-_3/Menu.html../Falla_of_Clyde_-_3/Menu.htmlshapeimage_26_link_0